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   Contrary to the common belief, a bat's eye sight is actually quite good. A bat will rely heavily on their echolocation to detect and pick flying insects from the night sky. Their echolocation also allows them to locate structure, objects, and detect crevices in buildings, trees, and desirable shelters. Chicagoland's ecosystem has become more diverse and mature over the past decades, and is now home to hundreds of thousands of brown bats. With greater numbers of trees and aging homes, bats are able to secure another important factor in establishing a home. Typical homes for bats include hollow trees, caverns and caves, buildings and home attics. Bats have the ability to migrate south for warmer weather or hibernate through the cold winters. Mating takes place in autumn and early winter. Females will store sperm and impregnate themselves when temperatures are desirable. Gestation is relatively dependant on temperature and averages between 50 and 60 days. When temperatures warm, insect hatches will begin creating a viable food source for the awakening and returning bats. Females will have one young per year, and will live with other females while raising their young. Males will also group up during this time of year. However, male and female bats will often hibernate together. Bats are federally and state protected which limits the available times to remove bats from your property. Early spring and late summer into the fall are legal times to evict bats. After proper exclusion special care must be taken to eliminate their return. We specialize in bat exclusion, remediation, and offer guarantees on all services. 










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